Revista CD Expert 8
Revista CD Expert nº 08 CD1.iso
Pacific C for DOS
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2,679 lines
INDEX 153 100 C Library Reference
10309 14 _EXIT
23419 74 _GETARGS
25 24 ACOS
728 20 ASCTIME
25 24 ASIN
1183 24 ASSERT
25 24 ATAN
25 24 ATAN2
2108 17 ATOF
2108 17 ATOI
2108 17 ATOL
2539 26 BDOS
3318 21 BIOS
3980 16 CALLOC
10999 13 CEIL
4385 19 CGETS
4863 20 CHDIR
5303 23 CHMOD
6040 16 CLOSE
6394 18 CLREOF
6394 18 CLRERR
6904 13 COS
7097 11 COSH
4385 19 CPUTS
7305 23 CREAT
8152 27 CTIME
8645 8 DI
8780 16 DUP
8645 8 EI
9171 20 EXECL
9171 20 EXECV
9794 15 EXIT
10592 15 EXP
10999 13 FABS
11319 15 FCLOSE
11643 18 FEOF
11643 18 FERROR
12068 16 FFLUSH
12442 20 FGETC
12978 15 FGETS
13521 14 FILENO
10999 13 FLOOR
13853 89 FOPEN
17368 19 FPRINTF
17936 17 FPUTC
18404 14 FPUTS
18683 23 FREAD
19305 14 FREE
19561 17 FREOPEN
20007 18 FREXP
20656 18 FSCANF
21190 46 FSEEK
22578 16 FTELL
22942 18 FWRITE
26292 12 GETC
26627 21 GETCH
27235 17 GETCHAR
26627 21 GETCHE
27678 18 GETCWD
28141 33 GETENV
29479 15 GETS
29797 16 GETUID
30151 20 GETW
30791 22 GMTIME
31573 11 INP
31896 30 INT86
31896 30 INT86X
31896 30 INTDOS
31896 30 INTDOSX
33193 42 ISALNUM
33193 42 ISALPHA
33193 42 ISASCII
34292 13 ISATTY
33193 42 ISCNTRL
33193 42 ISDIGIT
33193 42 ISLOWER
33193 42 ISPUNCT
33193 42 ISSPACE
33193 42 ISUPPER
34686 15 KBHIT
20007 18 LDEXP
30791 22 LOCALTIME
10592 15 LOG
10592 15 LOG10
34973 52 LONGJMP
36522 18 LSEEK
37027 19 MALLOC
37617 25 MEMCMP
37617 25 MEMCPY
37617 25 MEMSET
38570 18 MKDIR
39003 29 MSDOS
39003 29 MSDOSCX
39984 100 OPEN
31573 11 OUTP
10592 15 POW
43092 92 PRINTF
46633 14 PUTC
26627 21 PUTCH
46911 14 PUTCHAR
47125 15 PUTS
47417 16 PUTW
47765 38 QSORT
48915 15 RAND
49182 20 READ
49819 20 REALLOC
50476 15 REMOVE
50753 15 RENAME
51083 17 REWIND
38570 18 RMDIR
51532 16 SBRK
52010 79 SCANF
55180 13 SEGREAD
57382 21 SET_VECTOR
55885 36 SETBUF
55439 13 SETJMP
55667 14 SETUID
55885 36 SETVBUF
58096 26 SIGNAL
59184 13 SIN
7097 11 SINH
59393 21 SPAWNL
59393 21 SPAWNV
59393 21 SPAWNVE
60155 19 SPRINTF
60759 14 SQRT
61335 18 SRAND
60952 16 SSCANF
61815 48 STAT
63764 29 STRCAT
65148 18 STRCHR
63764 29 STRCMP
63764 29 STRCPY
63764 29 STRLEN
63764 29 STRNCAT
63764 29 STRNCMP
63764 29 STRNCPY
65148 18 STRRCHR
65690 24 SYSTEM
66372 13 TAN
7097 11 TANH
66535 19 TIME
67121 19 TOASCII
67121 19 TOLOWER
67121 19 TOUPPER
67635 22 UNGETC
26627 21 UNGETCH
68117 15 UNLINK
68526 47 VA_ARG
68526 47 VA_END
68526 47 VA_START
43092 92 VPRINTF
70551 61 WRITE
#include <math.h>
double acos(double f)
double asin(double f)
double atan(double f)
double atan2(double x, double y)
These functions are the converse of the trignometric func-
tions cos, sin and tan. Acos and asin are undefined for ar-
guments whose absolute value is greater than 1.0. The re-
turned value is in radians, and always in the range -pi/2 to
+pi/2, except for ■#cos(), which returns a value in the range
0 to pi. ■%Atan2() returns the inverse tan of x/y but uses
the signs of its arguments to return a value in the range
-pi to +pi.
sin, cos, tan
#include <time.h>
char * asctime(time_t t)
■'Asctime() takes the broken down time pointed to by its argu-
ment, and returns a 26 character string describing the
current date and time in the format
Sun Sep 16 01:03:52 1973\n\0
Note the newline at the end of the string. The width of each
field in the string is fixed.
ctime, time, gmtime, localtime
#include <assert.h>
void assert(int e)
This macro is used for debugging purposes; the basic method
of usage is to place assertions liberally throughout your
code at points where correct operation of the code depends
upon certain conditions being true initially. An ■&assert()
may be used to ensure at run time that that assumption
holds. For example, the following statement asserts that the
pointer tp is non-null:
If at run time the expression evaluates to false, the pro-
gram will abort with a message identifying the source file
and line number of the assertion, and the expression used as
an argument to it. A fuller discussion of the uses of assert
is impossible in limited space, but it is closely linked to
methods of proving program correctness.
#include <math.h>
double atof(char * s)
int atoi(char * s)
#include <stdlib.h>
long atol(char * s)
These routines convert a decimal number in the argument
string s into a double float, integer or long integer
respectively. Leading blanks are skipped over. In the case
of ■$atof(), the number may be in scientific notation.
#include <cpm.h>
char bdos(int func, int arg)
short bdoshl(int func, int arg)(CP/M-80 only)
■$Bdos() calls the CP/M BDOS with func in register C (CL for
CP/M-86) and arg in register DE (DX). The return value is
the byte returned by the BDOS in register A (AX). ■&Bdoshl()
is the same, except that the return value is the value re-
turned by the BDOS in HL. Constant values for the various
BDOS function values are defined in cpm.h.
These functions should be avoided except in programs which are
not intended to be used on an operating system other than
CP/M. The standard I/O routines are to be preferred, since
they are portable.
bios, msdos
#includ <cpm.h>
char bios(int n, int a1, int a2)
This function will call the n'th bios entry point (cold boot
= 0, warm boot = 1, etc.) with register BC (CX) set to the
argument a1 and DE (DX) set to the argument a2. The return
value is the contents of register A (AX) after the bios
call. On CP/M-86, bdos function 50 is used to perform the
bios call. This function should not be used unless unavoid-
able, since it is highly non-portable. There is even no
guarantee of portability of bios calls between differing
CP/M systems.
#include <stdlib.h>
char * calloc(size_t cnt, size_t size)
■&Calloc() attempts to obtain a contiguous block of dynamic
memory which will hold cnt objects, each of length size. The
block is filled with zeroes. A pointer to the block is re-
turned, or 0 if the memory could not be allocated.
brk, sbrk, malloc, free
#include <conio.h>
char * cgets(char * s)
void cputs(char * s)
■%Cputs() will read one line of input from the console into
the buffer passed as an argument. It does so by repeated
calls to ■&getche(). ■%Cputs() writes its argument string to
the console, outputting carriage returns before each newline
in the string. It calls ■%putch() repeatedly.
getch, getche, putch
#include <sys.h>
int chdir(char * s)
This function is availble only under MS-DOS. It changes the
current working directory to the path name supplied as argu-
ment. This path name be be absolute, as in A:\FRED, or rela-
tive, as in ..\SOURCES. A return value of -1 indicates that
the requested change could not be performed.
mkdir, rmdir, getcwd
#include <stat.h>
int chmod(char * name, int )
char * name;
int mode;
This function changes the file attributes (or modes) of the
named file. The argument name may be any valid file name.
The mode argument may include all bits defined in ■$stat.■!h ex-
cept those relating to the type of the file, e.g. S_IFDIR.
Note however that not all bits may be changed under all
operating systems, e.g. neither DOS nor CP/M permit a file
to be made unreadable, thus even if mode does not include
S_IREAD the file will still be readable (and ■$stat() will
still return S_IREAD in flags).
stat, creat
#include <unixio.h>
int close(int fd)
This routine closes the file associated with the file
descriptor fd, which will have been previously obtained from
a call to ■$open(). ■%Close() returns 0 for a successful close,
or -1 otherwise.
open, read, write, seek
#include <stdio.h>
void clrerr(FILE * stream)
void clreof(FILE * stream)
These are macros, defined in stdio.h, which reset the error
and end of file flags respectively for the specified stream.
They should be used with care; the major valid use is for
clearing an EOF status on input from a terminal-like device,
where it may be valid to continue to read after having seen
an end-of-file indication.
fopen, fclose
#include <math.h>
double cos(double f)
This function yields the cosine of its argument.
sin, tan, asin, acos, atan
#include <math.h>
double cosh(double f)
double sinh(double f)
double tanh(double f)
These functions implement the hyperbolic trig functions.
#include <stat.h>
int creat(char * name, int mode)
This routine attempts to create the file named by name. If
the file exists and is writeable, it will be removed and
re-created. The return value is -1 if the create failed, or
a small non-negative number if it succeeded. This number is
a valuable token which must be used to write to or close the
file subsequently. Mode is used to initialize the attri-
butes of the created file. The allowable bits are the same
as for ■%chmod(), but for Unix compatibility it is recommended
that a mode of 0666 or 0600 be used. Under CP/M the mode is
ignored - the only way to set a files attributes is via the
■%chmod() function.
open, close, read, write, seek, stat, chmod
#include <time.h>
char * ctime(time_t t)
■%Ctime() converts the time in seconds pointed to by its argu-
ment to a string of the same form as described for asctime.
Thus the following program prints the current time and date:
#include <time.h>
time_t t;
printf(■"%s■-, ctime(&t));
gmtime, localtime, asctime, time
void ei(void);
void di(void);
■"Ei() and ■"di() enable and disable interrupts respectivly.
#include <unixio.h>
int dup(int fd)
Given a file descriptor, such as returned by ■$open(), this
routine will return another file descriptor which will refer
to the same open file. -1 is returned if the fd argument is
a bad descriptor or does not refer to an open file.
open, close, creat, read, write
#include <sys.h>
int execl(char * name, pname, ...)
int execv(char * name, ppname)
■%Execl() and ■%execv() load and execute the program specified
by the string name. ■%Execl() takes the arguments for the pro-
gram from the zero-terminated list of string arguments. ■#Ex-
■#ecv() is passed a pointer to an array of strings. The array
must be zero-terminated. If the named program is found and
can be read, the call does not return. Thus any return from
these routines may be treated as an error.
spawnl, spawnv, system
#include <stdlib.h>
void exit(int status)
This call will close all open files and exit from the pro-
gram. On CP/M, this means a return to CCP level. Status will
be stored in a known place for examination by other pro-
grams. This is only useful if the program executing was ac-
tually invoked by another program which is trapping warm
boots. The status value will be stored on CP/M at 80H. This
call will never return.
#include <stdlib.h>
void _exit(int status)
This function will cause an immediate exit from the program,
without the normal flushing of stdio buffers that is per-
formed by ■$exit().
#include <math.h>
double exp(double f)
double log(double f)
double log10(double f)
double pow(double x, y)
■#Exp() returns the exponential function of its argument,
■#log() the natural logarithm of f, and ■%log10() the logarithm
to base 10. ■#Pow() returns the value of x raised to the y'th
#include <math.h>
double fabs(double f)
double ceil(double f)
double floor(double f)
These routines return respectively the absolute value of f,
the smallest integral value not less than f, and the largest
integral value not greater than f.
#include <stdio.h>
int fclose(FILE * stream)
This routine closes the specified i/o stream. Stream should
be a token returned by a previous call to ■%fopen(). NULL is
returned on a successful close, EOF otherwise.
fopen, fread, fwrite
#include <stdio.h>
feof(FILE * stream)
ferror(FILE * stream)
These macros test the status of the EOF and ERROR bits
respectively for the specified stream. Each will be true if
the corresponding flag is set. The macros are defined in
stdio.h. Stream must be a token returned by a previous
■%fopen() call.
fopen, fclose
#include <stdio.h>
int fflush(FILE * stream)
■&Fflush() will output to the disk file or other device
currently open on the specified stream the contents of the
associated buffer. This is typically used for flushing buf-
fered standard output in interactive applications.
fopen, fclose
#include <stdio.h>
int fgetc(FILE * stream)
■%Fgetc() returns the next character from the input stream.
If end-of-file is encountered EOF will be returned instead.
It is for this reason that the function is declared as int.
The integer EOF is not a valid byte, thus end-of-file is
distinguishable from reading a byte of all 1 bits from the
file. ■%Fgetc() is the non-macro version of ■$getc().
fopen, fclose, fputc, getc, putc
#include <stdio.h>
char * fgets(char * s, size_t n, char * stream)
■%Fgets() places in the buffer s up to n-1 characters from the
input stream. If a newline is seen in the input before the
correct number of characters is read, then ■%fgets() will re-
turn immediately. The newline will be left in the buffer.
The buffer will be null terminated in any case. A success-
ful ■%fgets() will return its first argument; NULL is returned
on end-of-file or error.
fileno(FILE * stream)
■&Fileno() is a macro from stdio.h which yields the file
descriptor associated with stream. It is mainly used when it
is desired to perform some low-level operation on a file
opened as a stdio stream.
fopen, fclose, open, close
#include <stdio.h>
FILE * fopen(char * name, char * mode);
■%Fopen() attempts to open file for reading or writing (or
both) according to the mode string supplied. The mode
string is interpreted as follows:
The file is opend for reading if it exists. If the file does
not exist the call fails.
If the file exists it is opened for reading and writing. If
the file does not already exist the call fails.
The file is created if it does not exist, or truncated if it
does. It is then opened for writing.
The file is created if it does not already exist, or trun-
cated if it does. The file is opened for reading and writ-
The file is created if it does not already exist, and opened
for writing. All writes will be dynamically forced to the
end of file, thus this mode is known as ■&append mode.
The file is created if it does not already exist, and opened
for reading and writing. All writes to the file will be
dynamically forced to the end of the file, i.e. while any
portion of the file may be read, all writes will take place
at the end of the file and will not overwrite any existing
data. Calling ■%fseek() in an attempt to write at any other
place in the file will not be effective. The ■!b■* modifier
may be appended to any of the above modes, e.g. ■#r+b■# or
■#rb+■< are equivalent. Adding the ■!b■8 modifier will cause the
file to be opened in binary rather than ASCII mode. Opening
in ASCII mode ensures that text files are read in a manner
compatible with the Unix-derived conventions for C programs,
i.e. that text files contain lines delimited by newline
characters. The special treatment of read or written char-
acters varies with the operating system, but includes some
or all of the following:
Converted to carriage return, line feed on output.
Ignored on input, inserted before NEWLINE on output.
Signals EOF on input, appended on fclose on output if neces-
sary on CP/M.
Opening a file in binary mode will allow each character to be
read just as written, but because the exact size of a file
is not known to CP/M, the file may contain more bytes than
were written to it. See ■$open() for a description of what
constitutes a file name. When using one of the read/write
modes (with a '+' character in the string), although they
permits reading and writing on the same stream, it is not
possible to arbitrarily mix input and output calls to the
same stream. At any given time a stream opened with a ■!+
mode will be in either an input or output state. The state
may only be changed when the associated buffer is empty,
which is only guaranteed immediately after a call to
■&fflush() or one of the file positioning functions ■%fseek() or
■&rewind(). The buffer will also be empty after encountering
EOF while reading a binary stream, but it is recommended
that an explicit call to ■&fflush() be used to ensure this si-
tuation. Thus after reading from a stream you should call
■&fflush() or ■%fseek() before attempting to write on that
stream, and vice versa.
fclose, fgetc, fputc, freopen
#include <stdio.h>
fprintf(FILE * stream, char * fmt, ...);
vfprintf(FILE * stream, va_list va_arg);
■'Fprintf() performs formatted printing on the specified
stream. Refer to ■&printf() for the details of the available
formats. ■(Vfprintf() is similar to ■'fprintf() but takes a
variable argument list pointer rather than a list of argu-
ments. See the description of ■"va_■%start() for more informa-
tion on variable argument lists.
printf, fscanf, sscanf
#include <stdio.h>
int fputc(int c, FILE * stream)
The character c is written to the supplied stream. This is
the non-macro version of ■$putc(). The character is returned
if it was successfully written, EOF is returned otherwise.
Note that ■5written to the stream■: may mean only placing the
character in the buffer associated with the stream.
putc, fgetc, fopen, fflush
#include <stdio.h>
int fputs(char * s, FILE * stream)
The null-terminated string s is written to the stream. No
newline is appended (cf. ■$puts() ). The error return is EOF.
puts, fgets, fopen, fclose
#include <stdio.h>
int fread(void * buf, size_t size, size_t cnt,
FILE * stream)
Up to cnt objects, each of length size, are read into memory
at buf from the stream. The return value is the number of
objects read. If none is read, 0 will be returned. Note
that a return value less than cnt, but greater than 0, may
not represent an error (cf. ■&fwrite() ). No word alignment
in the stream is assumed or necessary. The read is done via
successive ■$getc()'s.
fwrite, fopen, fclose, getc
#include <stdlib.h>
void free(void * ptr)
■$Free() deallocates the block of memory at ptr, which must
have been obtained from a call to ■&malloc() or ■&calloc().
malloc, calloc
#include <stdio.h>
FILE * freopen(char * name, char * mode, FILE * stream)
■'Freopen() closes the given stream (if open) then re-opens
the stream attached to the file described by name. The mode
of opening is given by mode. It either returns the stream
argument, if successful, or NULL if not. See ■%fopen() for
more information.
fopen, fclose
#include <math.h>
double frexp(double f, int * p)
double ldexp(double f, int i)
■%Frexp() breaks a floating point number into a normalized
fraction and an integral power of 2. The integer is stored
into the int object pointed to by p. Its return value x is
in the interval [0.5, 1.0) or zero, and f equals x times 2
raised to the power stored in *p. If f is zero, both parts
of the result are zero. ■%Ldexp() performs the reverse opera-
tion; the integer i is added to the exponent of the floating
point f and the resultant value returned.
#include <stdio.h>
int fscanf(FILE * stream, char * fmt, ...)
This routine performs formatted input from the specified
stream. See ■%scanf() for a full description of the behaviour
of the routine. ■'Vfscanf() is similar to ■&fscanf() but takes
a variable argument list pointer rather than a list of argu-
ments. See the description of ■"va_■%start() for more informa-
tion on variable argument lists.
scanf, sscanf, fopen, fclose
#include <stdio.h>
int fseek(FILE * stream, long offs, int wh)
■%Fseek() positions the ■,file pointer■8 (i.e. a pointer to the
next character to be read or written) of the specified
stream as follows:
wh resultant location
0 offs
1 offs+previous location
2 offs+length of file
It should be noted that offs is a signed value. Thus the 3 al-
lowed modes give postioning relative to the beginning of the
file, the current file pointer and the end of the file
respectively. EOF is returned if the positioning request
could not be satisfied. Note however that positioning beyond
the end of the file is legal, but will result in an EOF in-
dication if an attempt is made to read data there. It is
quite in order to write data beyond the previous end of
file. ■%Fseek() correctly accounts for any buffered data.
lseek, fopen, fclose
#include <stdio.h>
long ftell(FILE * stream)
This function returns the current position of the conceptual
read/write pointer associated with stream. This is the po-
sition relative to the beginning of the file of the next
byte to be read from or written to the file.
#include <stdio.h>
int fwrite(void * buf, size_t size, size_t cnt,
FILE * stream)
Cnt objects of length size bytes will be written from memory
at buf, to the specified stream. The number of whole objects
written will be returned, or 0 if none could be written. Any
return value not equal to cnt should be treated as an error
(cf. ■%fread() ).
fread, fopen, fclose
#include <sys.h>
char ** _getargs(char * buf, char * name)
extern int _argc_;
This routine performs I/O redirection (CP/M only) and wild
card expansion. Under MS-DOS I/O redirection is performed by
the operating system. It is called from startup code to
operate on the command line if the -R option is used to the
C command, but may also be called by user-written code. If
the buf argument is null, it will read lines of text from
standard input. If the standard input is a terminal (usually
the console) the name argument will be written to the stan-
dard error stream as a prompt. If the buf argument is not
null, it will be used as the source of the string to be pro-
cessed. The returned value is a pointer to an array of
strings, exactly as would be pointed to by the argv argument
to the main() function. The number of strings in the array
may be obtained from the global _argc_. For example, a typi-
cal use of this function would be:
#include <sys.h>
main(argc, argv)
char ** argv;
extern char ** _getargs();
extern int _argc_;
if(argc == 1) { /* no arguments */
argv = _getargs(0, ■&myname■");
argc = _argc_;
There will be one string in the array for each word in the
buffer processed. Quotes, either single (') or double (■!)
may be used to include white space in ■%words■/. If any wild
card characters (? or *) appear in a non-quoted word, it
will be expanded into a string of words, one for each file
matching the word. The usual CP/M conventions are followed
for this expansion. On CP/M any occurence of the redirection
characters > and < outside quotes will be handled in the
following manner:
> name
will cause standard output to be redirected to the file
< name
will cause standard input to be redirected from the file
>> name
will cause standard output to append to file name.
White space is optional between the > or < character and the file
name, however it is an error for a redirection character not
to be followed by a file name. It is also an error if a
file cannot be opened for input or created for output. An
append redirection (>>) will create the file if it does not
exist. If the source of text to be processed is standard
input, several lines may be supplied by ending each line
(except the last) with a backslash (\). This serves as a
continuation character. Note that the newline following the
backslash is ignored, and not treated as white space.
#include <stdio.h>
int getc(FILE * stream)
FILE * stream;
One character is read from the specified stream and re-
turned. EOF will be returned on end-of-file or error. This
is the macro version of ■%fgetc(), and is defined in stdio.h.
#include <conio.h>
char getch(void)
char getche(void)
void putch(int c)
■%Getch() reads a single character from the console keyboard
and returns it without echoing. ■&Getche() is similar but
does echo the character typed. ■'Ungetch() will push back one
character such that the next call to ■%getch() or ■&getche()
will return that character. ■%Putch() outputs the character c
to the console screen, prepending a carriage return if the
character is a newline.
cgets, cputs
#include <stdio.h>
int getchar(void)
■'Getchar() is a ■$getc(■%stdin) operation. It is a macro defined
in stdio.h. Note that under normal circumstances getchar()
will NOT return unless a carriage return has been typed on
the console. To get a single character immediately from the
console, use the routine ■%getch().
getc, fgetc, freopen, fclose
#include <sys.h>
char * getcwd(int drive)
■&Getcwd() returns the path name of the current working direc-
tory on the specified drive, where drive == 0 represents the
current drive, drive == 1 represents A:, drive == 2
represents B: etc. The return value is a pointer to a stat-
ic area of memory which will be overwritten on the next call
to ■&getcwd().
#include <stdlib.h>
char * getenv(char * s)
extern char ** environ;
■&Getenv() will search the vector of environment strings for
one matching the argument supplied, and return the value
part of that environment string. For example, if the en-
vironment contains the string
then ■&getenv(■5_C_O_M_S_P_E_C■G) will return A:\COMMAND.COM. The glo-
bal variable environ is a pointer to an array of pointers to
environment strings, terminated by a null pointer. This ar-
ray is initialized at startup time under MS-DOS from the en-
vironment pointer supplied when the program was executed.
Under CP/M no such environment is supplied, so the first
call to ■&getenv() will attempt to open a file in the current
user number on the current drive called ENVIRON. This file
should contain definitions for any environment variables
desired to be accessible to the program, e.g.
Each variable definition should be on a separate line, con-
sisting of the variable name (conventionally all in upper
case) followed without intervening white space by an equal
sign ('=') then the value to be assigned to that variable.
#include <stdio.h>
char * gets(char * s)
■$Gets() reads a line from standard input into the buffer at
s, deleting the newline (cf. ■%fgets() ). The buffer is null
terminated. It returns its argument, or NULL on end-of-file.
fgets, freopen
#include <sys.h>
int getuid(void)
■&Getuid() returns the current user number. On CP/M, the
current user number determines the user number associated
with an opened or created file, unless overridden by an ex-
plicit user number prefix in the file name.
setuid, open
#include <stdio.h>
int getw(FILE * stream)
■$Getw() returns one word (16 bits for the Z80 and 8086) from
the nominated stream. EOF is returned on end-of-file, but
since this is a perfectly good word, the ■$feof() macro should
be used for testing for end-of-file. When reading the word,
no special alignment in the file is necessary, as the read
is done by two consecutive ■$getc()'s. The byte ordering is
however undefined. The word read should in general have been
written by ■$putw().
putw, getc, fopen, fclose
#include <time.h>
struct tm * gmtime(time_t * t)
struct tm * localtime(time_t * t)
These functions convert the time pointed to by t which is in
seconds since 00:00:00 on Jan 1, 1970, into a broken down
time stored in a structure as defined in ■$time.■!h. ■&Gmtime()
performs a straight conversion, while ■)localtime() takes into
account the contents of the global integer time_zone. This
should contain the number of minutes that the local time
zone is WESTWARD of Greenwich. Since there is no way under
MS-DOS of actually pre-determining this value, by default
■)localtime() will return the same result as ■&gmtime().
ctime, asctime, time
char inp(unsigned port)
void outp(unsigned, unsigned data)
These routines read and write bytes to and from I/O ports.
■#Inp() returns the data byte read from the specified port,
and ■$outp() outputs the data byte to the specified port.
#include <dos.h>
int int86(int intno, union REGS * inregs,
union REGS * outregs)
int int86x(int intno, union REGS inregs,
union REGS outregs, struct SREGS * segregs)
int intdos(union REGS * inregs, union REGS * outregs)
int intdosx(union REGS * inregs, union REGS * outregs,
struct SREGS * segregs)
These functions allow calling of software interrupts from C
programs. ■%Int86() and ■&int86x() execute the software inter-
rupt specified by ■%intno while ■&intdos() and ■'intdosx() execute
interrupt 21(hex), which is the MS-DOS system call inter-
rupt. The inregs pointer should point to a union containing
values for each of the general purpose registers to be set
when executing the interrupt, and the values of the regis-
ters on return are copied into the union pointed to by
outregs. The ■!x versions of the calls also take a pointer to
a union defining the segment register values to be set on
execution of the interrupt, though only ES and DS are actu-
ally set from this structure.
#include <ctype.h>
isalnum(char c)
isalpha(char c)
isascii(char c)
iscntrl(char c)
isdigit(char c)
islower(char c)
isprint(char c)
isgraph(char c)
ispunct(char c)
isspace(char c)
isupper(char c)
isxdigit(char c)
char c;
These macros, defined in ctype.h, test the supplied charac-
ter for membership in one of several overlapping groups of
characters. Note that all except isascii are defined for ■!c
iff ■'isascii(■!c) is true.
isalnum(c) c is alphanumeric
isalpha(c) c is in A-Z or a-z
isascii(c) c is a 7 bit ascii character
iscntrl(c) c is a control character
isdigit(c) c is a decimal digit
islower(c) c is in a-z
isprint(c) c is a printing char
isgraph(c) c is a non-space printable character
ispunct(c) c is not alphanumeric
isspace(c) c is a space, tab or newline
isupper(c) c is in A-Z
isxdigit(c) c is in 0-9 or a-f or A-F
toupper, tolower, toascii
#include <unixio.h>
int isatty(int fd)
This tests the type of the file associated with fd. It re-
turns true if the file is attached to a tty-like device.
This would normally be used for testing if standard input is
coming from a file or the console. For testing STDIO
streams, use ■&isatty(■&fileno(■&stream)).
#include <conio.h>
int kbhit(void)
This function returns 1 if a character has been pressed on
the console keyboard, 0 otherwise. Normally the character
would then be read via ■%getch().
getch, getche
#include <setjmp.h>
void longjmp(jmp_buf buf, int val)
■'Longjmp(), in conjunction with ■&setjmp(), provides a mechan-
ism for non-local gotos. To use this facility, ■&setjmp()
should be called with a jmp_buf argument in some outer level
function. The call from ■&setjmp() will return 0. To return to
this level of execution, ■&lonjmp() may be called with the
same jmp_buf argument from an inner level of execution. Note
however that the function which called ■&setjmp() must still
be active when ■'longjmp() is called. Breach of this rule will
cause disaster, due to the use of a stack containing invalid
data. The val argument to ■'longjmp() will be the value ap-
parently returned from the ■&setjmp(). This should normally be
non-zero, to distinguish it from the genuine ■&setjmp() call.
For example:
#include <setjmp.h>
static jmp_buf jb_err;
if(setjmp(jb_err)) {
printf(■2An error occured\n■");
if(do_whatever() != 0)
longjmp(jb_err, 1);
if(do_something_else() != 0)
longjmp(jb_err, 2);
The calls to ■'longjmp() above will never return; rather the call
to ■&setjmp() will appear to return, but with a return value
equal to the argument supplied to ■'longjmp().
#include <unixio.h>
long lseek(int fd, long offs, int wh)
This function operates in an analogous manner to ■%fseek(),
however it does so on unbuffered low-level i/o file descrip-
tors, rather than on STDIO streams. It also returns the
resulting pointer location. Thus ■%lseek(■"fd, ■"0L, ■!1) returns
the current pointer location without moving it. -1 is re-
turned on error.
open, close, read, write
#include <stdlib.h>
void * malloc(size_t cnt)
■&Malloc() attempts to allocate cnt bytes of memory from the
■$heap■V, the dynamic memory allocation area. If successful,
it returns a pointer to the block, otherwise 0 is returned.
The memory so allocated may be freed with ■$free(), or changed
in size via ■'realloc(). ■&Malloc() calls ■$sbrk() to obtain
memory, and is in turn called by ■&calloc(). ■&Malloc() does not
clear the memory it obtains.
calloc, free, realloc
#include <string.h>
void memset(void s, char c, int n)
void memcpy(void * d, void * s, int n)
int memcmp(void * s1, void * s2, int n)
■&Memset() initializes n bytes of memory starting at the loca-
tion pointed to by s with the character c. ■&Memcpy() copies n
bytes of memory starting from the location pointed to by s
to the block of memory pointed to by d. The result of copy-
ing overlapping blocks is undefined. ■&Memcmp() compares two
blocks of memory, of length n, and returns a signed value
similar to ■'strncmp(). Unlike ■'strncmp() the comparision does
not stop on a null character. The ascii collating sequence
is used for the comparision, but the effect of including
non-ascii characters in the memory blocks on the sense of
the return value is indeterminate.
strncpy, strncmp
#include <sys.h>
int mkdir(char * s)
int rmdir(char * s)
These functions allow the creation (■%mkdir()) and deletion
(■%rmdir()) of sub-directories under the MS-DOS operating sys-
tem. The argument s may be an arbitrary pathname, and the
return value will be -1 if the creation or removal was un-
#include <dos.h>
long msdos(int ax, int dx, int cx,
int bx, int si, int di)
long msdoscx(int ax, int dx, int cx,
int bx, int si, int di)
These functions allow direct access to MS-DOS system calls.
The arguments will be placed in the registers implied by
their names, while the return value will be the contents of
AX and DX (for ■%msdos()) or the contents of DX and CX (for
■'msdoscx()). Only as many arguments as necessary need be
supplied, e.g. if only AH and DX need have specified valued,
then only 2 argument would be required. The following piece
of code outputs a form-feed to the printer.
msdos(0x500, '\f');
Note that the system call number (in this case 5) must be
multiplied by 0x100 since MS-DOS expects the call number in
AH, the high byte of AX.
intdos, intdosx, int86, int86x
#include <unixio.h>
int open(char * name, int mode)
■$Open() is the fundamental means of opening files for reading
and writing. The file specified by name is sought, and if
found is opened for reading, writing or both. Mode is encod-
ed as follows:
Mode Meaning
0 Open for reading only
1 Open for writing only
2 Open for both reading and writing
The file must already exist - if it does not, ■%creat() should be
used to create it. On a successful open, a file descriptor
is returned. This is a non-negative integer which may be
used to refer to the open file subsequently. If the open
fails, -1 is returned. The syntax of a CP/M filename is:
where uid is a decimal number 0 to 15, drive is a letter A to P
or a to p, name is 1 to 8 characters and type is 0 to 3
characters. Though there are few inherent restrictions on
the characters in the name and type, it is recommended that
they be restricted to the alphanumerics and standard print-
ing characters. Use of strange characters may cause prob-
lems in accessing and/or deleting the file.
One or both of uid: and drive: may be omitted; if both are sup-
plied, the uid: must come first. Note that the [ and ] are
meta-symbols only. Some examples are:
If the uid: is omitted, the file will be sought with uid equal to
the current user number, as returned by getuid(). If drive:
is omitted, the file will be sought on the currently select-
ed drive. The following special file names are recognized:
lst: Accesses the list device - write only
pun: Accesses the punch device - write only
rdr: Accesses the reader device - read only
con: Accesses the system console - read/write
File names may be in any case - they are converted to upper case
during processing of the name.
MS-DOS filenames may be any valid MS-DOS 2.xx filename, e.g.
The special device names (e.g. CON, LST) are also recognized.
These do not require (and should not have) a trailing colon.
close, fopen, fclose, read, write, creat
#include <stdio.h>
void perror(char * s)
This routine will print on the stderr stream the argument s,
followed by a descriptive message detailing the last error
returned from an open, close read or write call. Unfor-
tunately CP/M does not provide definitive information relat-
ing to the error, except in the case of a random read or
write. Thus this routine is of limited usefulness under
CP/M. MS-DOS provides much more information however, and use
of ■&perror() after MS-DOS file handling calls will certainly
give useful diagnostics.
open, close, read, write
#include <stdio.h>
int printf(char * fmt, ...)
int vprintf(char * fmt, va_list va_arg)
■&Printf() is a formatted output routine, operating on stdout.
There are corresponding routines operating on a given stream
(■'fprintf()) or into a string buffer (■'sprintf()). ■&Printf() is
passed a format string, followed by a list of zero or more
arguments. In the format string are conversion specifica-
tions, each of which is used to print out one of the argu-
ment list values. Each conversion specification is of the
form %m.nc where the percent symbol % introduces a conver-
sion, followed by an optional width specification m. n is
an optional precision specification (introduced by the dot)
and c is a letter specifying the type of the conversion. A
minus sign ('-') preceding m indicates left rather than
right adjustment of the converted value in the field. Where
the field width is larger than required for the conversion,
blank padding is performed at the left or right as speci-
fied. Where right adjustment of a numeric conversion is
specified, and the first digit of m is 0, then padding will
be performed with zeroes rather than blanks.
If the character * is used in place of a decimal constant, e.g.
in the format %*d, then one integer argument will be taken
from the list to provide that value. The types of conver-
sion are:
Floating point - m is the total width and n is the number of
digits after the decimal point. If n is omitted it defaults
to 6.
Print the corresponding argument in scientific notation.
Otherwise similar to f.
Use e or f format, whichever gives maximum precision in
minimum width.
o x X u d
Integer conversion - in radices 8, 16, 10 and 10 respective-
ly. The conversion is signed in the case of d, unsigned oth-
erwise. The precision value is the total number of digits to
print, and may be used to force leading zeroes. E.g. %8.4x
will print at least 4 hex digits in an 8 wide field.
Preceding the key letter with an l indicates that the value
argument is a long integer or unsigned value. The letter X
prints out hexadecimal numbers using the upper case letters
■!A-■!F rather than ■!a-■!f as would be printed when using x.
Print a string - the value argument is assumed to be a char-
acter pointer. At most n characters from the string will be
printed, in a field m characters wide.
The argument is assumed to be a single character and is
printed literally.
Any other characters used as conversion specifications will be
printed. Thus %% will produce a single percent sign. Some
printf(■-Total = %4d%%■%, 23)
yields 'Total = 23%'
printf(■+Size is %lx■( , size)
where size is a long, prints size
as hexadecimal.
printf(■+Name = %.8s■", ■+a1234567890■!)
yields 'Name = a1234567'
printf(■%xx%*d■', 3, 4)
yields 'xx 4'
Printf returns EOF on error, 0 otherwise. ■'Vprintf() is similar
to ■&printf() but takes a variable argument list pointer rath-
er than a list of arguments. See the description of
■"va_■%start() for more information on variable argument lists.
fprintf, sprintf
#include <stdio.h>
int putc(int c, FILE * stream)
■$Putc() is the macro version of ■%fputc() and is defined in
stdio.h. See ■%fputc() for a description of its behaviour.
fputc, getc, fopen, fclose
#include <stdio.h>
int putchar(int c)
■'Putchar() is a ■$putc() operation on stdout, defined in
putc, getc, freopen, fclose
#include <stdio.h>
int puts(char * s)
■$Puts() writes the string s to the stdout stream, appending a
newline. The null terminating the string is not copied. EOF
is returned on error.
fputs, gets, freopen, fclose
#include <stdio.h>
int putw(int w, FILE * stream)
■$Putw() copies the word w to the given stream. It returns w,
except on error, in which case EOF is returned. Since this
is a good integer, ■&ferror() should be used to check for er-
getw, fopen, fclose
#include <stdlib.h>
void qsort(void * base, size_t nel,
size_t width, int (*func)())
■%Qsort() is an implementation of the quicksort algorithm. It
sorts an array of nel items, each of length width bytes, lo-
cated contiguously in memory at base. Func is a pointer to
a function used by ■%qsort() to compare items. It calls func
with pointers to two items to be compared. If the first
item is considered to be greater than, equal to or less than
the second then ■$func() should return a value greater than
zero, equal to zero or less than zero respectively.
static short array[100];
#define SIZE sizeof array/sizeof array[0]
a_func(p1, p2)
short * p1, * p2;
return *p1 - *p2;
qsort(array, SIZE,
sizeof array[0], a_func);
This will sort the array into ascending values. Note the use of
sizeof to make the code independent of the size of a short,
or the number of elements in the array.
#include <stdlib.h>
int rand(void)
■$Rand() is a pseudo-random number generator. It returns an
integer in the range 0 to 32767, which changes in a pseudo-
random fashion on each call.
#include <unixio.h>
int read(int fd, void * buf, size_t cnt)
■$Read() will read from the file associated with fd up to cnt
bytes into a buffer located at buf. It returns the number of
bytes actually read. A zero return indicates end-of-file. A
negative return indicates error. Fd should have been ob-
tained from a previous call to ■$open(). It is possible for
■$read() to return less bytes than requested, e.g. when read-
ing from the console, in which case ■$read() will read one
line of input.
open, close, write
void * realloc(void * ptr, size_t cnt)
■'Realloc() frees the block of memory at ptr, which should
have been obtained by a previous call to ■&malloc(), ■&calloc()
or ■'realloc(), then attempts to allocate cnt bytes of dynamic
memory, and if successful copies the contents of the block
of memory located at ptr into the new block. At most, ■%real-
■#loc() will copy the number of bytes which were in the old
block, but if the new block is smaller, will only copy cnt
bytes. If the block could not be allocated, 0 is returned.
malloc, calloc, realloc
#include <stdio.h>
int remove(char * s)
■&Remove() will attempt to remove the file named by the argu-
ment s from the directory. A return value of -1 indicates
that the attempt failed.
#include <stdio.h>
int rename(char * name1, char * name2)
The file named by name1 will be renamed to name2. -1 will be
returned if the rename was not successful. Note that renames
across user numbers or drives are not permitted.
open, close, unlink
#include <stdio.h>
int rewind(FILE * stream)
This function will attempt to re-position the read/write
pointer of the nominated stream to the beginning of the
file. A return value of -1 indicates that the attempt was
not successful, perhaps because the stream is associated
with a non-random access file such as a character device.
fseek, ftell
char * sbrk(int incr)
■$Sbrk() increments the current highest memory location allo-
cated to the program by incr bytes. It returns a pointer to
the previous highest location. Thus ■$sbrk(■!0) returns a
pointer to the current highest location, without altering
its value. If there is insufficient memory to satisfy the
request, -1 is returned.
brk, malloc, calloc, realloc, free
#include <stdio.h>
int scanf(char * fmt, ...)
int vscanf(char *, va_list ap);
■%Scanf() performs formatted input (■*de-editing■,) from the
stdin stream. Similar functions are available for streams in
general, and for strings. The function ■&vscanf() is similar,
but takes a pointer to an argument list rather than a series
of additional arguments. This pointer should have been ini-
tialized with ■"va_■%start(). The input conversions are per-
formed according to the fmt string; in general a character
in the format string must match a character in the input;
however a space character in the format string will match
zero or more ■,white space■> characters in the input, i.e.
spaces, tabs or newlines. A conversion specification takes
the form of the character %, optionally followed by an as-
signment suppression character ('*'), optionally followed by
a numerical maximum field width, followed by a conversion
specification character. Each conversion specification, un-
less it incorporates the assignment suppression character,
will assign a value to the variable pointed at by the next
argument. Thus if there are two conversion specifications in
the fmt string, there should be two additional pointer argu-
ments. The conversion characters are as follows:
o x d
Skip white space, then convert a number in base 8, 16 or 10
radix respectively. If a field width was supplied, take at
most that many characters from the input. A leading minus
sign will be recognized.
Skip white space, then convert a floating number in either
conventional or scientific notation. The field width ap-
plies as above.
Skip white space, then copy a maximal length sequence of
non-white-space characters. The pointer argument must be a
pointer to char. The field width will limit the number of
characters copied. The resultant string will be null-
Copy the next character from the input. The pointer argument
is assumed to be a pointer to char. If a field width is
specified, then copy that many characters. This differs from
the s format in that white space does not terminate the
character sequence.
The conversion characters o, x, u, d and f may be preceded by an
l to indicate that the corresponding pointer argument is a
pointer to long or double as appropriate. A preceding h will
indicate that the pointer argument is a pointer to short
rather than int.
■%Scanf() returns the number of successful conversions; EOF is re-
turned if end-of-file was seen before any conversions were
performed. Some examples are:
scanf(■%%d %s■), &a, &s)
with input ■) 12s
will assign 12 to a, and ■!s■& to s.
scanf(■(%4cd %lf■), &c, &f)
with input ■* abcd -3.5
will assign ■$ abc■5 to c, and -3.5 to f.
fscanf, sscanf, printf, va_arg
#include <dos.h>
int segread(struct SREGS * segregs)
■'Segread() copies the values of the segment registers into
the structure pointed to by segregs.
int86, int86x, intdos, intdosx
#include <setjmp.h>
int setjmp(jmp_buf buf)
■&Setjmp() is used with ■'longjmp() for non-local gotos. See
■'longjmp() for further information.
#include <sys.h>
void setuid(int uid)
■&Setuid() will set the current user number to uid. Uid should
be a number in the range 0-15.
#include <stdio.h>
int setvbuf(FILE * stream, char * buf,
int mode, size_t size);
void setbuf(FILE * stream, char * buf)
The ■'setvbuf() function allows the buffering behaviour of a
STDIO stream to be altered. It supersedes the function ■$set-
■#buf() which is retained for backwards compatibility. The
arguments to ■'setvbuf() are as follows: stream designates the
STDIO stream to be affected; buf is a pointer to a buffer
which will be used for all subsequent I/O operations on this
stream. If buf is null, then the routine will allocate a
buffer from the heap if necessary, of size BUFSIZ as defined
in <stdio.h>. mode may take the values _IONBF, to turn
buffering off completely, _IOFBF, for full buffering, or
_IOLBF for line buffering. Full buffering means that the as-
sociated buffer will only be flushed when full, while line
buffering means that the buffer will be flushed at the end
of each line or when input is requested from another STDIO
stream. size is the size of the buffer supplied. For exam-
setvbuf(stdout, my_buf, _IOLBF, sizeof my_buf);
If a buffer is supplied by the caller, that buffer will
remain associated with that stream even over■&fclose(),
■%fopen() calls until another ■'setvbuf() changes it.
fopen, freopen, fclose
#include <intrpt.h>
typedef interrupt void (*isr)();
isr set_vector(isr * vector, isr func);
This routine allows an interrupt vector to be initialized.
The first argument should be the address of the interrupt
vector (not the vector number but the actual address) cast
to a pointer to ■#isr, which is a typedef'd pointer to an in-
terrupt function. The second argument should be the function
which you want the interrupt vector to point to. This must
be declared using the ■)interrupt type qualifier. The return
value of ■#set_■&vector() is the previous contents of the vec-
di(), ei()
#include <signal.h>
void (* signal)(int sig, void (*func)());
■&Signal() provides a mechanism for catching control-C's
(ctrl-BREAK for MS-DOS) typed on the console during I/O.
Under CP/M the console is polled whenever an I/O call is
performed, while for MS-DOS the polling depends on the set-
ting of the BREAK command. If a control-C is detected cer-
tain action will be performed. The default action is to exit
summarily; this may be modified with ■&signal(). The sig argu-
ment to signal may at the present time be only SIGINT, sig-
nifying an interrupt condition. The func argument may be one
of SIG_DFL, representing the default action, SIG_IGN, to ig-
nore control-C's completely, or the address of a function
which will be called with one argument, the number of the
signal caught, when a control-C is seen. As the only signal
supported is SIGINT, this will always be the value of the
argument to the called function.
#include <math.h>
double sin(double f);
This function returns the sine function of its argument.
cos, tan, asin, acos, atan
int spawnl(char * n, char * argv0, ...);
int spawnv(cahr * n, char ** v)
int spawnve(char * n, char ** v, char ** e)
These functions will load and execute a sub-program, named
by the argument n. The calling conventions are similar to
the functions ■%execl() and ■%execv(), the difference being that
the spawn functions return to the calling program after ter-
mination of the sub-program, while the exec functions return
only if the program could not be executed. ■'Spawnve() takes
an environment list in the same format as the argument list
which will be supplied to the executed program as its en-
execl, execv
#include <stdio.h>
int sprintf(char * buf, char * fmt, ...);
int vsprintf(char * buf, char * fmt, va_list ap);
■'Sprintf() operates in a similar fashion to ■&printf(), except
that instead of placing the converted output on the stdout
stream, the characters are placed in the buffer at buf. The
resultant string will be null-terminated, and the number of
characters in the buffer will be returned. ■(Vsprintf takes
an argument pointer rather than a list of arguments.
printf, fprintf, sscanf
#include <math.h>
double sqrt(double f)
■$Sqrt() implements a square root function using Newton's ap-
#include <stdio.h>
int sscanf(char * buf, char * fmt, ...);
int vsscanf(char * buf, char * fmt, va_list ap);
■&Sscanf() operates in a similar manner to ■%scanf(), except
that instead of the conversions being taken from stdin, they
are taken from the string at buf.
scanf, fscanf, sprintf
#include <stdlib.h>
void srand(int seed)
■%Srand() initializes the random number generator accessed by
■$rand() with the given seed. This provides a mechanism for
varying the starting point of the pseudo-random sequence
yielded by ■$rand(). On the z80, a good place to get a truly
random seed is from the refresh register. Otherwise timing a
response from the console will do.
#include <stat.h>
int stat(char * name, struct stat * statbuf)
This routine returns information about the file by name. The
information returned is operating system dependent, but may
include file attributes (e.g. read only), file size in
bytes, and file modification and/or access times. The argu-
ment name should be the name of the file, and may include
path names under DOS, user numbers under CP/M, etc. The ar-
gument statbuf should be the address of a structure as de-
fined in ■$stat.■!h which will be filled in with the information
about the file. The structure of ■&struct ■$stat is as follows:
struct stat
short st_mode; /* flags */
long st_atime; /* access time */
long st_mtime; /* modification time */
long st_size; /* file size */
The access and modification times (under DOS these are both
set to the modification time) are in seconds since 00:00:00
Jan 1 1970. The function ■%ctime() may be used to convert this
to a readable value. The file size is self explanatory. The
flag bits are as follows:
Flag Meaning
S_IFMT mask for file type
S_IFDIR file is a directory
S_IFREG file is a regular file
S_IREAD file is readable
S_IWRITE file is writeable
S_IEXEC file is executable
S_HIDDEN file is hidden
S_SYSTEM file is marked system
S_ARCHIVE file has been written to
■$Stat returns 0 on success, -1 on failure, e.g. if the file
could not be found.
ctime, creat, chmod
#include <string.h>
char * strcat(char * s1, char * s2);
int strcmp(char * s1, char * s2);
char * strcpy(char * s1, char * s2);
int strlen(char * s);
char * strncat(char * s1, char * s2, size_t n);
int strncmp(char * s1, char * s2, size_t n);
char * strncpy(char * s1, char * s2, size_t n);
These functions provide operations on null-terminated
strings. ■&Strcat() appends the string s2 to the end of the
string s1. The string at s1 will be null terminated. Need-
less to say the buffer at s1 must be big enough. ■&Strcmp()
compares the two strings and returns a number greater than
0, 0 or a number less than 0 according to whether s1 is
greater than, equal to or less than s2. The comparision is
via the ascii collating order, with the first character the
most significant. ■&Strcpy() copies s2 into the buffer at s1,
null terminating it. ■&Strlen() returns the length of s1, not
including the terminating null. ■'Strncat(), ■'strncmp() and
■'strncpy() will catenate, compare and copy s2 and s1 in the
same manner as their similarly named counterparts above, but
involving at most n characters. For ■'strncpy(), the resulting
string may not be null terminated.
#include <string.h>
char * strchr(char * s, int c)
char * strrchr(char * s, int c)
These functions locate an instance of the character c in the
string s. In the case of ■&strchr() a pointer will be returned
to the first instance of the character found be searching
from the beginning of the string, while ■'strrchr() searches
backwards from the end of the string. A null pointer is re-
turned if the character does not exist in the string.
#include <sys.h>
int system(char * s)
When executed under MS-DOS ■&system() will pass the argument
string to the command processor, located via the environment
string COMSPEC, for execution. The exit status of the com-
mand processor will be returned from the call to system().
For example, to set the baud rate on the serial port on an
MS-DOS machine:
system(■4MODE COM1:96,N,8,1,P■");
This function will not work on CP/M-86 since it does not
have an invokable command interpreter. Under Concurrent CP/M
the CLI system call is used.
spawnl, spawnv
#include <math.h>
double tan(double f);
This is the tangent function.
sin, cos, asin, acos, atan
#include <time.h>
time_t time(time_t * t)
This function returns the current time in seconds since
00:00:00 on Jan 1, 1970. If the argument t is non-null, the
same value is stored into the object pointed to by t. The
accuracy of this function is naturally dependent on the
operating system having the correct time. This function does
not work under CP/M-86 or CP/M 2.2 but does work under
Concurrent-CP/M and CP/M+.
ctime, gmtime, localtime, asctime
#include <ctype.h>
char toupper(int c);
char tolower(int c);
char toascii(int c);
char c;
■'Toupper() converts its lower case alphabetic argument to
upper case, ■'tolower() performs the reverse conversion, and
■'toascii() returns a result that is guaranteed in the range
0-0177. ■'Toupper() and ■'tolower return their arguments if it
is not an alphabetic character.
islower, isupper, isascii et. al.
#include <stdio.h>
int ungetc(int c, FILE * stream)
■&Ungetc() will attempt to push back the character c onto the
named stream, such that a subsequent ■$getc() operation will
return the character. At most one level of pushback will be
allowed, and if the stream is not buffered, even this may
not be possible. EOF is returned if the ■&ungetc() could not
be performed.
int unlink(char * name)
■&Unlink() will remove (delete) the named file, that is erase
the file from its directory. See ■$open() for a description of
the file name construction. Zero will be returned if suc-
cessful, -1 if the file did not exist or it could not be re-
open, close, rename, remove
#include <stdarg.h>
void va_start(va_list ap, ■%parmN);
■$type va_arg(ap, ■$type);
void va_end(va_list ap);
These macros are provided to give access in a portable way
to parameters to a function represented in a prototype by
the ellipsis symbol (...), where type and number of argu-
ments supplied to the function are not known at compile
time. The rightmost parameter to the function (shown as
■%parmN) plays an important role in these macros, as it is the
starting point for access to further parameters. In a func-
tion taking variable numbers of arguments, a variable of
type va_list should be declared, then the macro va_start in-
voked with that variable and the name of ■%parmN. This will
initialize the variable to allow subsequent calls of the
macro va_arg to access successive parameters. Each call to
va_arg requires two arguments; the variable previously de-
fined and a type name which is the type that the next param-
eter is expected to be. Note that any arguments thus ac-
cessed will have been widened by the default conventions to
■#int, ■(unsigned ■#int or ■&double. For example if a character ar-
gument has been passed, it should be accessed by va_arg(ap,
int) since the char will have been widened to ■#int. An exam-
ple is given below of a function taking one integer parame-
ter, followed by a number of other parameters. In this exam-
ple the function expects the subsequent parameters to be
pointers to char, but note that the compiler is not aware of
this, and it is the programmers responsibility to ensure
that correct arguments are supplied.
#include <stdarg.h>
prf(int n, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, n);
puts(va_arg(ap, char *));
#include <unixio.h>
int write(int fd, void * buf, size_t cnt)
■%Write() will write from the buffer at buf up to cnt bytes to
the file associated with the file descriptor fd. The number
of bytes actually written will be returned. EOF or a value
less than cnt will be returned on error. In any case, any
return value not equal to cnt should be treated as an error
(cf. ■$read() ).
open, close, read